
Friday, May 20, 2011
Last page of chapter 16 (Sam's life)

Well,today was kinda bad but yea.It turned out to be good~ I've broke up today~ Be her brother from now on. All along,I've been treating her as a sister barh. :) But today,I found out,no matter what happens. My best brothers,sune aik,Muzaffar,yuobari and hazeeq will always be there! I LOVE THEM! Not in the gay way of cuz! :) Brothers,I know you won't visit my blog but I just wanna scream loudly that I LOVE YOU GUYS! Its the last year together already! I'm gonna treasure every single moment I can with you guys. :) Today I learnt,sometimes in life no matter how you wan it.If its not yours you just can't get it.Let it go.I've learnt to let things go already.I know some people hate me.I'm sad but like I said.Let it go. Peaceful break. 20th may,sam died.Junhao's new life just began. I love my family.I love my brothers.I love my friends.I still love you girl~ I still do but I know sometimes in life we can't always get what we want. :) We'll both move on.Look for our happiness. :) I love you!


4:35 AM
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Profile: Teo jun hao Wanna know more about me? Go to facebook and find ninjasam95@hotmail.com or add me @ msn!


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